
Saturday, May 4, 2013

One More Week!

Yesterday completed my last full week of classes.  I have just one more week before I can call myself a third year vet student!  This coming week I have class on Monday and Tuesday, reading day on Wednesday, and then my final exam is Thursday and Friday.  This weekend is consisting of studying all day today (we just got done studying about disorders of the stomach such as ulcers, inflammation, and cancers but are taking a little break right now) and then tomorrow I will be in church and then studying and then have potluck in the evening. 

Next weekend, Heidi flies out on Friday and we will be at Gramp and Gram's Friday night and then in Champaign Saturday night.  Saturday we will eat lunch with our cousins Heather and Andrea and go to Gordyville for the flea market that Heidi likes so much.  In the late afternoon and evening we will get all packed up to head back to Connecticut.  Sunday morning we will go out to breakfast with Uncle Loren and Aunt Joan and then be in Champaign church.  We will start driving east shortly after church.  We hope to be in Junction, OH Sunday night and Rittman, OH Monday night and then get home to CT on Tuesday the 14th of May. 

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