Well, 3 days of school have gone whizzing by with only 2 more to go! Yesterday morning in lab I was back in the cow pen, invading their personal privacy with my arm. This time I attempted passing insemination pipettes through their cervix but didn't succeed (although I did succeed in having a cow poop around my arm (my arm was up her butt) thus squirting poop all over my left wrist and right leg). I also learned how to perform an epidural on a cow and did it successfully first time (it's really not that difficult so don't be too impressed). So ladies, if you ever need an epidural you just call me right up (and I will direct you to your closest doctor)!
Today I had the first lab of my Advanced Dentistry elective. We practiced removing teeth and performing a gingivectomy (removal of the part of the gums). We also practiced performing an intraorbital block. This means putting local anesthetic around the infraorbital nerve to numb it up. This makes it so that if you block the left infraorbital nerve, all the upper mouth structures on that side will be numb.
My new classes have been pretty good so far. I'm hoping they will stay that way! Mondays are kind of long as I have five hours of regular lecture followed by two hours of Advanced Dentistry lecture so that's 7 hours of lecture in one day! But, I know one thing, it's gonna be over before I know it!
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