
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby Goats

Last night my brother and I went to see some baby goats that were born last week.  They belong to a former coworker of mine and her husband and the mother of the baby goats actually came from our house.  They were ridiculously cute, so small and running and bucking around.  Here's a few photos from when I was there, I didn't get a lot of photos but at least this gives a brief glimpse at them.  The first photo is just the mother and the rest have the babies in them.

This Thursday my family is heading to Cape Cod for a week.  I am looking forward to going and just hanging out without studying or working.  It should be nice and relaxing!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sick Goat (now Dead Goat)

This past Friday, I was awaken by my brother who wanted me to go out and check on his goat which had fallen over and wouldn't get up. When I went out, she was laying down and her head and neck were twisted to her left side.  To make a long story short, she went to the vet who thought she had polio (long name: polioencephalomalacia) so we started treating her for it however, Friday night about 1045pm, she died as I was giving her water.  She went out to UCONN and had a necropsy done today.  There was nothing outstanding on the gross necropsy, also known as cutting her open and examining all her internal organs.  It will be a little bit before we get the final necropsy report.  It's kind of neat because I got to be in on her necropsy and help out with it.  I have here a couple photos of the goat before she died.  The first one is her just laying down, not feeling right at all.  She wouldn't get up.  The second one is her right eye which was normal at the time.  The last photo is of her left eye which appeared ulcerate and then clouded over.  It will be very interesting, for me anyways, to see what the final diagnosis from the necropsy is!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Update

Just a quick update on what's been going on for me so far this summer.  I have been enjoying my time spent working in micro and necropsy at UCONN.  It has been going real well and I get along well with the undergrads I work with which is great.  I have more car problems, which is pretty much the story of my life so no surprise there.  I am leaking transmission fluid and even though I had my axle seal replaced (no, I have no idea what that is) it was still leaking so now they have to remove the transmission to get at the real problem). This means major cha-ching if you get my drift!  I had a real nice weekend this past weekend as my uncle and another person were put in as ministers in our church.  Other than that, I've just been relaxing and enjoying time spent with family and friends.