
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reg Med Rotation and Some Pictures (Finally!)

The past two days have been quite boring.  I am on regulatory medicine and mostly we sit and listen to different people talk about different aspects of being a vet for the government.  Tomorrow we do get to go out to the research farm for the afternoon so hopefully that will be better. I had some family down this past weekend from Tremont and a good time was had by all (or at least by me anyways!). 

Well, now after reading a bunch of words on my blog (or after checking my blog for pictures and only finding copious amounts of words and quickly leaving my blog at that point) you can now find some pics that highlight a couple events that I have recently attended.

Most of the pics are from my cousin Kasi's baptism day on November 18th.  She was baptized in Alto, Michigan most of my family was up there.  It was an awesome weekend!  Here are some photos:

First, it takes awhile to get our family together for a picture:
Wow, my posture leaves a lot to be desired in this picture! Also, nice face Heather!

Hey Uncle Mark, I think you got something on your shirt, see it?

Ten minutes later, we're almost there!

Now we're really close, if only Uncle Dan would smile that much for normal pictures!

Our trusty photographer, Ben:

This is the best one in my opinion, it is awfully hard to get a good one of everybody with such a large group!

Heidi and Rachel (Rachel drove out with my family and surprised Kasi)

Look at these beautiful ladies!

William and Kasi:

Amy Joy, she's too cute for her own good I think!

Kasi and her Connecticut cousins (probably her favorite cousins too ;))

Kasi and I (and Amy Joy, who happens to be beaming away while apparently trying to get away as well!)

Now, here's a couple pictures from our Young Group taffy pull last Thursday night.  It's always an entertaining time!

Kirk and Joel are really going at it!

1 comment:

ALB said...

Yay for pictures, finally! I know you've had nothing better to do! J/K HaHa!! Hope you are having a good week! Heather's gonna love the look on her face! Good one :)