
Tuesday, November 11, 2014


This morning I checked the transfer list and found that I had a transfer from ER.  It was a very nice female pit bull who was yellow (jaundice) and had elevated liver enzymes.  First thing we wanted to do was an ultrasound of her abdomen.  During the ultrasound we found a mucocele which is essentially a buildup of mucus and sludge in her gallbladder.  No one really knows exactly why they form but they cause back up of bile into the liver and leads to a yellow animal and increased liver enzymes.  So, we transferred her to soft tissue surgery this afternoon and when I left, she was recovering from having her gallbladder removed.  So, I have no in house patients right now which is fine.  Tomorrow I have a recheck appointment on a mixed breed dog who was diagnosed with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia last week.  In this disease, the body's immune system begins attacking the body's red blood cells making the animals anemic and thus weak, lethargic, and pale.  Hopefully it will be doing well and we can send them on their way happy!

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