
Friday, March 7, 2014

One More Week

Just one more week to go before I finish my last class quarter of my academic career.  And only and a half weeks before my spring break comes!  Monday is my last day of class, then I have two days off and Thursday and Friday are my final exam. It's a good thing we are near the end because I'm having a lot of trouble paying full attention in class, it must be that senioritis!

An update on my getting kicked out of vet school: I was called in to meet Monday with the head of the vet hospital.  He informed me that they had called the police Saturday night on us.  But, by the time the police got there, we were already gone.  Luckily, we were able to talk through it and I didn't receive any punishment.  He was fine with me being there at midnight but I didn't have my name badge on and I didn't identify myself to the tech.  So, now I know what to do for next time.  He actually lectured to us for a couple hours today on  airway disease in dogs and cats and he actually kind of poked fun at me before one of the lectures.  So, I think we're cool (or I hope so anyways!).

Tomorrow night is parent and church appreciation night at Champaign church.  My grandparents were supposed to come but they couldn't, then my two study buddies were supposed to come but now they can't, so I'm all alone for the second year in a row!  

Well, this week will be full of studying so I'm sure it will scoot on by pretty rapidly.  I just keep telling myself, "you only need to be motivated for one and a half weeks and you are free." 

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