
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lab Exam 1

Well, I had my first lab exam just a little bit ago.  I think it went fine, I'm sure I didn't get a 100 but I don't think I failed it either.  I started my exam on the anatomy part.  There were forty stations, each with a different identification question.  There were horse legs, cow legs, dog legs, cat legs, and then some hooves out and we had to identify different muscles, arteries, veins, nerves, bony prominences, as well as parts of the hooves.  Then, my group went into another lab where we had to spread out and then opened a document that had thirty different histology slides and ten different x-rays on it.  For histology we had to identify different sturctures or make comparisons between structures.  For the x-rays, there was an arrow pointing to a bone or other structure which we then had to identify.  Sometimes it pointed to a part of a single bone and we had to name that specific part of the bone.  It was challenging but fair.  Now I have to continue to study as I have my midterm exam this Friday and Monday.  I can say one thing, next Monday afternoon will find me pretty happy!

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