
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Friday 4/18

Yesterday morning we had an hour of clinpath rounds, where one of the clinical pathologists showed us some cool cases they had over the past week.  Then it was off to learn about agents causing abortions and stillbirths in mammals and then we spent two hours learning about parasites.  In the afternoon, we started with just a chicken and a cow.  However, a little while later, another cow showed up, then awhile later after that, a horse showed up.  So what went from being an early afternoon leaving went to not leaving until after 6pm.  I ended up writing the report for the horse however, I lost my notes so I was winging it with the help of one of my classmates who remembered a lot of the notes she had written down for the horse.

Last night I was in Congerville for church (although I got there at the end of the service due to getting out late from school).  I will be with my family today and tomorrow be in Tremont for Easter services.

I have just one more week on diagnostic medicine until I roll out to Purdue for a couple weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was good to see you and your fam - even if just for a little bit! :D Come back and visit anytime.. all of you!