
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Exams Are Coming!

Wow, it's the end of February already! This past weekend I was in Leo, IN for an invite and had a great time.  Now, it's been back to the grindstone.  I have just two more days of classes and then Friday is my lab exam.  So, this week I am busy studying all the lab stuff.  It will have virology, bacteriology, mycology, and parasitology on it.  I have heard that it isn't too, too bad so I'm hoping that that will hold true!  Next Thursday and Friday is our final exam for the quarter.  Thursday will be multiple choice and only cover information since the midterm.  Friday will be written and will be cumulative.  So, every bacteria, virus, fungus, parasite, and antibiotic that we have learned this semester is fair game.  Rumor has it that it is a very difficult exam (Friday's part I mean) and that last year, they actually had to curve it because the class did so poorly.  My friend talked to one professor and he even said that it was a difficult exam.  So, that should definitely be fun!  Oh well, once it's over, it's off to Alto, Michigan I go, so I can just look forward to that I spose!

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