
Saturday, September 24, 2011

One Health Rotation

Well, my week of One Health finally finished yesterday.  It was painful but I am still living so I guess I will just go on with my life ;)  I really like the professor who taught it, it was just the material was extremely boring so sitting through lectures and disucssions for hours on end just wasn't very fun.  We did have to give a presentation to the Illinois State Veterinarian and to the US Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service veterinarian for Ilinnois on Friday and it went well.  They were real nice and we had a nice chat with them after the presentation.  I just went on a young group/sunday school camp-out last night and had a really good time.  I do have pictures and will be posting them soon, as soon as I get the group picture that was taken.  I am excited to get to spend some time with people from Connecticut tonight and tomorrow.  It's always nice to see someone from home! Well, it's off to the shower and then on to Eureka!


Anonymous said...

Who's there from CT and what's going on in Eureka?

Skinner's said...

Hi David. Greetings from CT.
We are happy your dad shared your blog with us, as we have wondered how you were doing.
Sounds like quite a journey...
We wish you the very best. Don't you just love the horses?!
Do stay in touch.
P.s. Ev Jr. Misses your cookies!
Blessings to you from across the miles,
Ev and Sherry